how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Best way to camp

travel camping questions and answers help forum

QUESTION: I am 6'4", can I make it with the bed going the 6 foot way like you do? Or should I make it long ways?

MY ANSWER: My wife and I like to have our feet off the bed and do so in the van sort of jamming them between the end of the mattress and the van sidewall between the upright columns. We do this by choice because for some reason it feels cozy. We are 5' 7" max and so can sleep stretched out from head to toe without hitting either the head or the foot when we want to. HARDLY ANYONE stretches totally out when sleeping but if you do then 6'4" may max you out. I recommend finding a van and trying it out with an air mattress if you can. Otherwise you can easily turn the bed the length of the van as well and simply adjust the layout accordingly. You will actually have MORE room than we do if you are outfitting using a bed that fits a single person regardless of which way you turn it.

QUESTION: Do you use screens on windows?

MY ANSWER: We always keep windows rolled all the way up for security. Screens on the windows in the outdoors would probably be good as long as it did not allow squirrels/bears an entry point. The roof vent is all we ever needed for cool fresh air. I have found that when I want the outdoors then I go outside. When I want protection from the elements like, rain, temperature, cold, heat, sun, wind, noise, etc.; then I come inside. I do not try to make the Vanabode BOTH an indoors and outdoors experience simultaneously.

QUESTION: Do you have swivel van seats?

MY ANSWER: No. The biggest change I would make to my current Vanabode would be to install those "rv" style swiveling seats. They are very nice, but expensive.

QUESTION: Do you use a CB or Ham radio?

MY ANSWER: No. They work well as long as you have the battery power to operate or willing to turn on the van. We use cell phones and never had the need for these. However if you like using them they are certainly helpful and fun and cheaper in the long run than paying for cell phone when looking for local information.

QUESTION: Do you use leveling or stabilizing jacks?

MY ANSWER: No. We never needed them. We have parked in thousands of places in 17 years of traveling and have never felt the need. Just park where it is level or in a worst case scenario use the little plastic wedges sold for parking on or against.

QUESTION: Do you use a table?

MY ANSWER: No. If you want one, the kind that snap on the steering wheel are good for one person. You can find them for sale using the special Camping World link found on my camping store page. We have occasionally used little TV dinner tables that fold down but found they are not worth the time and storage space loss. We use a big plastic old world school tray or regular plates held in our lap sitting in our foldout lounge chairs for eating.

QUESTION: Do you use rain gear?

MY ANSWER: No. Unless you are in the cold rain gear is useless in my opinion. Why? Because I where rain gear to stay dry but as soon as I put it on I sweat. So what's the point? When it rains we go where it is not raining or spend the day indoors at a mall, museum, library, etc.

QUESTION: Do you use sudsy ammonia for washing cloths?

MY ANSWER: No. We have never tried that. See book for description of how we do laundry.

QUESTION: Do you use freeze dried foods?

MY ANSWER: No. They work good if you like the taste, can afford them, and are going to be far from a store. Otherwise buy fresh for highest nutritional value and taste and texture. See Vanabode book for more on this as eating great meals is one of the Essentials of a Great Life (details in the book).

QUESTION: Can you use fans instead of the roof vent?

MY ANSWER: Yes. We have used small 12-volt fans that do not draw down the battery. They are very helpful and cheap.

QUESTION: How do you keep stuff from moving about when under way?

MY ANSWER: Everything is in plastic tubs wedged under the bed or coolers bungee corded to sidewall and under front seat as shown in the book. Some items that are "loose" are held by bungee cords and commons sense placement.

QUESTION: Is there anything under the rubber mat to level out the floor?

MY ANSWER: No. The floor is level enough for all activities.

QUESTION: Do you have an outside screened room to keep the bugs out?

MY ANSWER: No. Would be great when staying stationary in buggy area. I have found the best way to avoid bugs biting is to stay where they are not, mainly out west. If they are biting you it is not someplace you will stay for long whether city, street, beach, lake, countryside, national park or other. Why? Because if you can't get outside comfortably you will not want to Vanabode.

QUESTION: How much water did you carry and how was it stored?

MY ANSWER: Water storage is always dictated by availability. Sometimes we get water from a river or lake and sanitize by using the solar oven to purify as described in the Vanabode book . Sometimes we carry 10 gallons of water in our big cooler. Sometimes we buy water by the gallon every 3 days as we travel. If you are staying off grid in one place for a long time it would be easier to put a 30-40 gallon tank in that you can buy from an rv store and store under the bed. Take careful measurements before purchasing and factor in the the fill and faucet locations. Keep in mind there are many reasons why I do not recommend installing plumbing like the typical "van dweller" does.
1) It technically reclassifies your vehicle as a recreational vehicle and that means many laws will now apply to you that did not previously. You could now be more limited in your legal parking choices.
2) Simplicity. Storing lots of water correctly and purchasing and installing indoor plumbing is neither cheap, easy or recommended. I have never needed it.
3) Leaks can be disastrous. If it leaks when you are gone and floods everything it will be difficult to clean up. Sometimes the wiring could be affected as well causing electrical shortage and possibly a fire.

This is a question from a list of camping questions those on my email list have asked my help with.
Please email me anytime if you need help with anything related to Vanabode, camping, travel, road trips, equipment, or living off the grid in the United States.

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