how to live, travel and explore the world from your van

Bad Camping Ideas verses Vanabode

To Vanabode is to experience the most fun and adventure for the least amount of money and hassle. The following pictures and comments show what I do NOT recommend when trying to travel the United States and live anywhere cheaply without drawing unwanted attention. Remember if all you ever want to do is stay out on wild BLM land you can get away with some of these ideas. But if you want to spend time enjoying museums, resorts, shopping destinations, art galleries, big cities, city parks, etc. then you will need to follow the strategies outlined in Vanabode. Otherwise it will be impossible. If you have a great photo send it to me and I will publish it and give you credit as well.


bad van camping concept

Image above shows the kind of vehicle that will never work for big city living to see places like museums or art galleries.

scary man in strugis picture

Image above shows what you will end up looking like if you spend too much time outdoors without the protection of your steel home. This joker was staring at me like I was a wild animal in a zoo while I was at Sturgis for three weeks camping with thousands of bikers. I walked right up to him and shot this at point blank range and he never flinched. Don't go anywhere without your Vanabode!

living on a bicycle - NOT recommended by author of Vanabode

Image above shows what life is like living on a bicycle. Ran across this guy while hitting one of Nevada's far out towns. Inventory list: guitar, CHECK! old shoes, CHECK! feathers for decoration, CHECK! turtle stuffed animal to protect guitar from getting bumped, CHECK! bucket for toilet breaks, CHECK! matts for sleeping on, CHECK! Trust me this is a hard way to go. You will never be like this while Vanaboding.

Image Right: shows what it's like trying to get from around in some of the less fortunate countries. Many of my customers from other lands are astonished when they see how easy and cheap and hassle free it is to Vanabode travel the United States: thanks to our freedom and our military's needs for fine roads.

 If you travel as I decribe in Vanabode you will never go through this dangerous agony

Image above: WOW I sure am thankful we have inspection stations in this country. How'd you like to stumble into this open engine with belts a whirling and have your arm torn off? I love the alternator installed inside the bumper. I think it is so sweet that this guy is competing with oxen pulling carts all around him. The Vanabode book has a complete chapter on travel safety so you will not get into this kind of situation.

bicycle train travel

Image above: Shot this baby of a guy biking through California's mountaneous Kings Canyon region. Not only was he seriously risking his life and freezing his butt off every night, but I doubt they will let him stay or travel on the Las Vegas strip. Just Vanabode, it's so much easier and from the looks of this custom rig probably not any more expensive to set up. Yes, that IS 4 wheels!

homeless man sleeping outside

Image above: Note the beast warming his backside. Shot this dude napping in the sun in a marina we were rollerblading through in California. I love hanging out in coastal areas but come night time the bugs can get you and so can the damp cold. Vanabode and avoid this.

this is NOT vanaboding even though many people live in cars in California

Image above shows one of California's typical crazy sites. You will never be like this while Vanaboding.

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